Sunday, 1 June 2014

“Too many cooks in the kitchen” |Why have multiple PADI Course Directors & IDC Staff? | Gili Islands Platinum PADI Course Director Holly Macleod

Here at our exclusive PADI IDC Center based in the Gili Islands we have 2 PADI Course Directors and a number of PADI Staff Instructors. However our Instructor Development Course is conducted entirely by our Platinum PADI Course Director Holly Macleod, so as to give you the best possible training every step of the way and our PADI Staff Instructors are there to assist you along the way.

Who is teaching the IDC Gili Islands Program! 

There are many dive centers that offer 2, 3 or even sometime 4 PADI Course Directors and sometimes a team of PADI Staff Instructors. This will often inevitably lead to the question of “who the hell is teaching my course?” Although it looks great on paper to have all these IDC staff Instructors it can also mean the majority of the course is taught by a PADI Staff Instructor, which in some circumstances can be great but in others not so.

There have been many reports of potential candidates choosing to take their instructor training course with a particular Course Director, or sometime choosing a facility because it offers multiple Course Directors and IDC Staff, only to find that the course is nearly entirely conducted by a Staff Instructors with minimal experience. In one particular case a candidate never actually met the PADI Course Director during the course, but because they has already made Facebook friends prior to course and were subsequently updated about which level they had achieved in their latest Facebook game and what they were having for dinner that night. Other examples include swapping course directors to go and start an alternative IDC in another country and even disappearing to a dive show halfway through the course to advertise that very course.

Join our Elite PADI Platinum Course Director for you PADI IDC in the Gili Islands

This is why although we do have additional PADI IDC Staff the course will always be conducted by our Platinum PADI Course Director Holly Macleod which allows full consistency in the development of the instructor candidates. It also allows our PADI Course Director to develop a closer relationship with her candidates and in most cases acting as teacher, mentor and friend to our candidates.

The PADI Gili IslandsIDC Career program runs once a month here at Trawangan Dive and we are very proud of all are instructor candidates, most of which have become close personal friends with our Platinum PADI Course Director. The program is run on an 11 day schedule plus 4 days of pre-IDC preparation workshops.

Courses are entirely conducted by our Platinum PADI Course Director at the only PADI Career Development Center in Gili Trawangan. If you’re interested in PADI Instructor check our PADI IDC Gili Islands schedule and Information booklet (pdf).